
“I have worked with John Mirusso and used Mirusso Enterprises equipment and services for over ten years beginning when he first began providing specialty equipment and support services to Dow AgroSciences. During that time I have always been impressed with the ingenuity of his designs and the quality of his equipment.  His strong work ethic and honesty are the driving force of Mirusso Enterprises and he has never failed to deliver a product or service on time.  Whenever I need parts, equipment or support services, I always turn to Mirusso Enterprises.”  Dr. James P. Gilreath, weed scientist and soil fumigation expert, University of Florida – retired.

“I want to express my appreciation to you for building quality trucks. Your workmanship and paying attention to details is awesome! I have personally been on the road since August 15th 2012 spraying forestry in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. The trucks are serving us very well!! They make a huge difference in our operation” Brian Parker- P & S AG


Low-Disturbance Solid-Tarp Fumigant Application Crop Protection

Application Considerations for Successful Use of VIF and Metalized Mulches with Reduced Fumigant Rates in Tomato: University of Florida IFAS Extension

Application Technology for Injecting Telone: USDA Agricultural Research Service

Efficacy of 1,3-dichloropropene plus chloropicrin application methods in combination with pebulate and napropamide in tomato

Effectiveness of Broadcast Application of Telone C-35 and Tillam + Devrinol in Tomato: Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 115:276-280. 2002.

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